My Blog

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First Photo Editing Project
Friday, February 4, 2022 photo editing gimp images

Holy cow!!!!! That was pretty easy. I just created my first composition in photo editing software. For those of you who don't know, a composition in graphic design/photo editing is how the subject of your photo is place in relation to all the other objects in the photo. Now I'm not a photographer, nor do I desire to be one, but as a web designer, I need to know the basics of photo editing. That's the whole point of me doing this.

I'm using a program called the GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP for short(no disrespect to the handicapped is intended). For my first project, I took a picture of a place called Chaco Canyon and took GIMP's mascot Wilbur and simply pasted Wilber into the picture of Chaco Canyon. In the process I created a two layer composition. You've probably seen layers in practice in magazines. There is the main image and then text or shapes are added to the main image on top of it. The image is one layer and the text is another. Both elements of the composition can be edited separately.

I'll be posting my creative stuff on Pinterest but I just need a little time to get everything together.  Please bear with me.  

First Non-Trivial Program in Python
Wednesday, January 26, 2022 python programming coding development

Well, I've just written my first non trivial program in python that's a few hundred lines of code. It's a Geometry program that allows users to find the area and perimeter of geometric figures and the diameter and circumference of a circle. Missing angles and side of triangles can also be computed. For all you geeks out there, functions figure prominently in this program and each shape has its own function.  All my code is licensed under the GNU General Public License so feel free to do what you want with it.  Visit my github page where you can see my code and download it:

Self Studying Mathematics
Monday, January 3, 2022 math algebra

For those of you who don't know me, I was the kid in grade school who hated math. I'm a product of the wonderful Catholic education system and for grades 5 through 8 I had an old hag of a nun named Sister Agnes Lucille for math. She was a dominatrix who had it for me and would pounce on me for the slightes thing. This nun made me hate and fear math.

I barely survived math in high school and in college I had to start all over with the basics. I dropped out after only one semester. Then about 20 years ago I read a book called Mathematics for the Non-mathematician by Morris Kline. Professor Kline detailed what each branch of mathematics is used for and now I no longer fear or hate math.

There are several things I study in my free time: computer science, the financial markets, and the probabilities of gambling. I've reached a point where I need math and quite a bit of it too. All of the higher maths require Calculus and Calculus requires Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus. So I've started at the bottom with Algebra and I have been working with a book that explains everything in simple English.

Now I am not under pressure of deadlines, good grades, or anthing else related to college.  Plus, I don't have Sister Agnes standing ready with the ruler so I'm actually enjoying it. Stay tuned for more

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Welcome fellow geeks.  

On these pages find my exploits, mistakes, and my music.  Navigate to the content you want from the menu at the top right.  

I'm not going to reinvent the wheel, because there's millions of sites with tutorials on every subject.  What I will do is refer you to the best of those sites and review them for you so you can save time.  

For those of you considering persuing a career in this business, I'm no expert with a phd.  I'm a self-taugh nerd and maybe I can show you a path forward.  Enjoy.  
